Congress Topics
General Mechanics
Analytical mechanics; Stability analysis and control of body motion; Computational mechanics; Dynamical systems; Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; Theory of mechanisms and machines; Experimental Mechanics, High Performance Computing in Mechanics, etc.
Solid Mechanics
Elasticity; Plasticity; Damage, Fracture and Fatigue; Composite materials; Smart materials; Beams, plates and shells; Dynamics of structures; Noise and vibrations; Contact problems; Impact and wave propagation; Seismic mechanics; Geomechanics, Micro- and nano-mechanics; Multi-physics and Multiscale Modelling; Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Nanomechanics and Nanostructured Materials, Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, etc.
Fluid Mechanics
Viscous fluids; Conducting and magnetic fluids; Compressible and rarefied gases; Boundary layers; Bubbles and drops; Thin films and jets; Multiphase flows; Flow in porous solids; Waves; Turbulence; Heat and mass transfer; Combustion and flames; Microfluidics; Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics; Experimental methods in fluid mechanics; Hydrodynamics, Fluid–structure Interactions, etc.
Biological flows; Mechanics of cardiovascular system; Biorheology; Molecular biomechanics; Tissue engineering; Mechanics of bones and tissues; Mechanics of cell membranes; Orthotics and prosthetics; Locomotion; Rehabilitation robotics; Human-robot interaction.