Registration and Abstract Submission
To register as a participant and for submitting an abstract click here.
To submit an abstract to this conference click here (prior registration is required). Please note that there is no template for the abstract. The information about the authors and abstract text should be submitted as plain text following the submission steps in the congress system. It is possible to attach a file if you need special characters or images in the abstract, but we recommend that this option be used only when absolutely necessary
Note: We suggest that you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as browsers.
Registration fees
Regular Fees
450 Euro paid before 30 May 2024
500 Euro paid before 15 July 2024
550 Euro on-site
300 EURO for young scientists and PhD students paid before 30 May 2024
380 Euro - regular fee for young scientists and PhD students
200 Euro for an accompanying person paid before 30 May 2024
250 Euro for an accompanying person paid after 15 June 2017
- The regular fee will cover participation in all sessions, the Congress book of abstracts and the Congress proceedings, welcome reception, lunches and coffee breaks and banquet
Prospective participants can apply for a reduction in the registration fee. Priority will be given to young scientists and postgraduate students.
- The reduced fee will cover participation in all sessions, the Congress book of abstracts and the Congress Proceedings, welcome reception and coffee breaks.
Bank account
IN BGN: IBAN: BG41CECB979010H9590901
In EURO: IBAN: BG82CECB979014H9590900
BANK name: Central Cooperative Bank
Bank Address: 87 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., 1086 Sofia, Bulgaria
Bank account holder: Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Please indicate: "for NCTAM14" and your name.